Skutt KilnLink App-Analysis and Redesign
As an amateur potter, I have a unique insight into the niche tools needed for this craft. One of which is a kiln. A kiln is a high-temperature oven used to harden clay. Recent innovations have added a touchscreen control system and paired app, allowing users to view the temperature of their kiln, status, and duration of firing from anywhere. I conducted an analysis and redesign to make the app better. Read the full report here
Using interviews and textual analysis of app store reviews, I analyzed the user experience of KilnLink. I found three main issues:
The Old App
Confusing Signifiers
Many buttons are either missing signifiers, meaning they don’t look clickable or look like they have a different function. Many users complained that the logout button was not labeled properly and caused repeated accidental exits from the app.
The touch screen controls attached to the kiln are intuitive and easy to use. The app looks nothing like it. This means users had to learn to use two new interfaces.
Lack of Content
Users wanted more from the app. Many wished to see the history of firings, kiln diagnostics, temperature graphs and estimated end times.
In order to fix these issues, I used Figma to redesign the KilnLink app. My app uses universal signifiers and dropdown menus, utilizes available kiln data, and mirrors the touchscreen interface.
The New App
This redesign addresses many complaints. It gives users more access to information already collected by their kiln, allows existing features to be intuitively found, and adds features that make the app a hub for personal pottery practices.